Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Memories, Mangroves & Magic by Flip Pallot

I first met Flip Pallot at a local New Orleans fly shop in July of 2005.  I was there to purchase a copy of his new book Memories, Mangroves & Magic.   I remember sitting on the couch with him and chatting while he autographed my book.  During our conversation, Flip asked my favorite species to target on the fly.  I was a little embarrassed telling this fly fishing legend that it was a bluegill.  I will never forget his response; “There's nothing like a big bluegill on a three weight!”  Needless to say, I loved his reply!

Now back to the book.  My copy of the book has moved around the house for the past eight years.  I love to look at all the beautiful photos in the coffee table type book.  Recently, I made an amazing discovery… it has text!  It's an extremely well written book by Flip, forward by Lefty Kreh and illustrations by Tim Borski. 

A book review 8 years later?  Yep!   I highly recommend Memories, Mangroves & Magic.  You can find both used and new copies on Amazon.com.  Oh, if you get a copy, don’t let it lay around for eight years before you read it!

Larry Offner
Owner, Green Trout Fly Shop
Owner, WarmFly.com